A Community Cancer Center – Healthy Lifestyle Program (Sponsored by DC Smoke Free.)
Tuesday’s 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Community Cancer Center – Conference Room B & C
Download current program flier here: FRESHSTART Flier
Program Overview
The FRESHSTART Stop Smoking Program is an evidence-based tobacco cessation program designed to teach participants the necessary information and skills to successfully quit tobacco use for life.
Creating and maintaining physical health and wellness is a lifelong journey. The FRESHSTART Stop Smoking Program teaches information, skills, and strategies that can be used to build a healthy lifestyle and to stop tobacco use. This program is designed to assist individuals to envision and achieve their personal Tobacco Free goals. This innovative program provides training in effective community education as well as tobacco cessation services for individuals and groups. The FRESHSTART Stop Smoking Program is meant to complement other provider or peer services. Our program is FREE and open to anyone ages 18 and over.
Promoting Tobacco Cessation for Priority Populations
Tobacco cessation is a key component of health promotion for everyone. However, some groups are particularly at risk for tobacco use and related health concerns. This may be because they have lived, worked, and received healthcare services in environments that encouraged tobacco use, or they may have other health conditions associated with increased tobacco use. Many of these at risk populations are underserved and do not receive needed tobacco cessation counseling and medications. The services tailored to these priority populations are vital to address their unique needs. The FRESHSTART Stop Smoking Program provides tailored information designed to meet the needs of priority populations. Programming includes Next Step Cessation Support Group, Smoke-Free Pregnancy Program, Smoke-Free Workplace Program, N.A.T.E. Youth Program for middle schools, and an on-line Provider Referral Program.
What to Expect In Our FRESHSTART 4-Week Stop Smoking Program
Each week participants are introduced to new skills and tools to aid them in their quit journey. This 4-Week program is designed to be delivered in four consecutive sessions each lasting approximately 1 hour. Sessions include in-depth discussions, activities, and introduction of tools for successful cessation. This program is delivered in person semi-annually, in January and July annually and is available as a Work Place Wellness program for employers upon request.
Session One – Participants learn about the risks of addictive behaviors, how addiction impacts their health, and the importance of choosing to quit.
Session Two – Participants start developing their personal quit plans, which can be a highly triggering exercise and discussion for some individuals.
Session Three – Participants explore what to expect on their quit day and gain insight into the physical and mental withdrawal symptoms of quitting. They also begin to identify their personal triggers, recognize patterns of addictive behaviors and thoughts, and consider alternative responses to both.
Session Four – Participants explore tools and skills for maintaining their quit status. Additional resources are introduced, including self-care practices, situational rehearsals, and coping strategies to support their journey.
NEXT STEP Weekly Group Meetings & Support
Next Step is the support group segment of our FRESHSTART tobacco cessation program. Each week, men and women come together to support one another on their journey to quit smoking. Led by a facilitator trained in smoking cessation counseling, these group sessions are tailored to meet participants’ specific needs. During meetings, participants offer each other encouragement, support, and accountability.
For more information, registration, or questions about programs contact:
CCC Outreach Program Management
Angelia Freeman | Phone: 541-672-0072
or Email: AFreeman@CCCRoseburg.org
Treating tobacco use saves lives. That’s why treatment for tobacco use and nicotine dependence is a key part of Adapts comprehensive, patient-centered care approach for patients who receive primary care and behavioral health services. This site includes quit help resources and provider information specific to cessation.
Become an EX
The EX Plan combines expertise from the Mayo Clinic with practical advice from ex-smokers. You won’t just quit smoking. You’ll “re-learn life without cigarettes.” It doesn’t matter if it’s your first try or your tenth, EX can help you quit and stay quit. Research shows that the more times people come to the EX site, the more likely they are to quit smoking.
Douglas County Public Health (DPHN)
This site provides valuable resources for tobacco cessation and information on state and federal initiatives. It offers guidance on accessing public services and updates on Public Health developments in Douglas County, Oregon. DPHN, a not-for-profit organization, serves the entire county from its headquarters in Roseburg, the county seat. Oregon’s Tobacco Prevention and Education Program (TPEP) began in 1997 with a straightforward mission: to reduce tobacco-related illness and death. Since its launch, TPEP has taken a comprehensive approach to tackling tobacco use, helping to save lives and reduce costs through Oregon’s anti-tobacco efforts.
Freedom from Smoking Plus
Freedom From Smoking Plus has a great new look, updated content and activities and includes both online and phone support. The program also works well on smartphones and tablets so you can get help quitting smoking whenever, however, and wherever works best for you.
Guide to Quitting Smoking
This is an online guide from American Cancer Society on How to Quit Smoking or Smokeless Tobacco. To have the best chance of quitting tobacco and staying quit, you need to know what you’re up against, what your options are, and where to go for help. You’ll find this information here.
Nicotine Anonymous
This is a 12-step fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
Oregon Tobacco Quitline
This is a free program offering tips, information, and one-on-one telephone counseling to anyone looking to quit tobacco use. You will also get assistance in determining if you are eligible for free nicotine gum or patches. Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).
Quit for Life
You can quit. We’ll show you how. We understand that quitting is about more than just not smoking. When you join our program, a Quit Coach® will help you become an expert in living without tobacco using “The 4 Essential Practices to Quit For Life,” principles based on 25 years of research and experience helping people quit tobacco.
On this site you’ll find support, tips, tools, and expert advice to help you or someone you love quit smoking.
Smokefree Teen
Want to quit but don’t know how?
Get your daily dose of the support you crave. This site is designed and run by people at the National Cancer Institute to help teens take control of their health.
Smokefree Vet
Smokefree VET is a mobile text messaging service for military Veterans who receive their health care through VA. Visit Tricare to learn more about available tobacco cessation services.