
INDEPTH: An Alternative to Suspension or Citation

A Community Cancer Center – Healthy Lifestyle Program (Sponsored by DC Smoke Free.)

Call 541-672-0072 to Schedule a Facilitator At Your School

INDEPTH is an alternative to suspension program that teaches young people about the risk factors to nicotine addiction and ways to quit vaping.

Download Program Flier Here: INDEPTH

Teen tobacco use has long been linked to lifelong dependency, with 9 out of 10 cigarette users claiming they picked up their first cigarette before the age of 18. The introduction of e-cigarettes has amplified the problem: Over the course of just one year, vaping’s popularity grew from 2.1 million in 2017 to 3.6 million in 2018, prompting the U.S. Surgeon General to declare e-cigarette use among our youth an epidemic. Teens are getting hooked on tobacco and instead of getting education or support, they are getting suspended from school or other disciplinary measures. INDEPTH® is a new way to help.



Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health (INDEPTH) is a new, convenient alternative to suspension or citation that helps schools and communities address the teen vaping problem in a more supportive way. Instead of solely focusing on punitive measures, INDEPTH is an interactive program that teaches students about nicotine dependence, establishing healthy alternatives and how to kick the unhealthy addiction that got them in trouble in the first place.

Developed by the American Lung Association in partnership with the Prevention Research Center of West Virginia University, and facilitated by the Community Cancer Center, this new free education program is available for any school or community to establish to help our teens make healthier choices.



Research suggests that school policies prohibiting tobacco product use, when consistently enforced, are an essential part of lowering teen tobacco use rates. It is just as important that all policies are balanced with educational programming for teens to further understand the consequences of lifelong dependence and addiction along with proven-effective strategies in supporting ultimate cessation should they want to quit. Read more:



INDEPTH is taught by one of our INDEPTH certified staff in four, 50-minutes sessions. Each session addresses a different tobacco-related issue and can be facilitated either one-on-one or in a group setting. The goal of every program is to educate students about nicotine dependence and cravings and ultimately guide them through the process of identifying their own reasons for chewing, smoking or vaping tobacco products.

    • Session 1 Getting the Facts: Breaks down the program for participants
    • Session 2 Nicotine Dependence: Explains the harmful effects of nicotine and tobacco products
    • Session 3 Alternatives: Helps teens understand their urges and identify healthy alternatives to replace tobacco use
    • Session 4 Past, Present, Future: Talks about next steps and how to avoid future tobacco-related problems



Although INDEPTH is not a cessation program, 60 percent of student participants reported that they were willing to quit using tobacco products after completing the program. This is why the American Lung Association equips every INDEPTH facilitator with “after INDEPTH” resources that can help your students become and remain tobacco and nicotine-free, including access to policy support and youth cessation programming.


Not on Tobacco (N-O-T) Youth Cessation Program

The American Lung Association’s Not on Tobacco (N-O-T) program is a voluntary youth-centered cessation program inclusive in addressing all tobacco product use, including e-cigarettes. This program can be made available through a referral system for students who request additional support after participating in INDEPTH.


Proven Results for INDEPTH

In the spring of 2019, the American Lung Association recruited a total of 11 sites nationwide to participate in an INDEPTH pilot. The diverse pilot locations included middle schools, high schools, an alternative school and a court system and served urban, suburban and rural communities. The Research & Evaluation Group at Public Health Management Corporation (R&E Group), the Lung Association’s external evaluator, developed online surveys to gather feedback and measure the program’s effectiveness. It surveyed student participants, adults who facilitated the program and administrators from schools or sites where the program was implemented, to better understand the benefits and updates that were needed. These results guided additional edits to the curriculum, updates to training protocols and enhanced marketing and educational resources. Learn more about the pilot evaluation and results here:


INDEPTH student participants are asked to complete an online survey at the beginning and end of the INDEPTH program. 

The survey captures:

    • Demographic information
    • Referral source into the INDEPTH program
    • Information about their history and type of tobacco product use
    • Feedback on program content, activities and resources
    • Quit attempts
    • Assessment of motivation to reduce or quit tobacco product use


Data collected is anonymous and confidential. 

Information disclosed within sessions by students is confidential and shouldn’t be discussed outside of the program—unless a youth poses potential harm to themselves or others or reports having been harmed by someone. 


For more information, registration, or questions about programs contact:

CCC Outreach Program Management
Angelia Freeman | Phone: 541-672-0072
or Email: